* bench set-up, tools, and equipment * proper cutting technique * special fixtures necessary to hold MC parts * preparation of area to be engraved * choosing, obtaining, and transferring patterns * general background treatments * little tricks from CJ that make his work "pop"
I will Only Be teaching Two Classe This Year at one of Americas most Prestigeous Engraving Schools "The Ray Cover Fine Arts Engraving School" just South of St Louis.......in Festus MO Class size limited to only 5 people.........Great for individualized attention & learning
You will be using, All latest, highest quality engraving tools available on the market today......Lindsay, GRS, N-Graver, Etc........... then you can make your own mind up as to which tools will work best for you.......we give you honest "opinions" as to the tools that work for us......... We use all three of the above, and HIGHLY recommend them.Check This Link Below CJs Motorcycle Engraving Class